Our Vision/Mission

Our Vision

To make AHPS a learning community of motivated students and staff engaged in active learning through the best use of modern technology. To develop young individuals who think, question and are curious about their surroundings. To create responsible global citizens utilizing international curriculum and principles of student centered learning. To impact world class education that shall foster academic excellence, physical fitness, psychological and spiritual health, social consciousness and concern for the environment.

Our Mission

We are committed to move ahead with our students with the aim to install in them the ability and conviction to realize their full potential and excel anywhere in the words. It’s our mission to blend the strong cultural fundamentals of the Gurukul heritage and other traditional systems with advanced modern learning tools, thus providing a new direction in world education.
We wish to ensure that in a safe, tranquil, stimulating and intellectually challenging environment all students shall have ample opportunity to Acquire habits of curiosity, mental flexibility, independent reflections and self discipline. Attain skill and attitude which will make them fit for life in this rapidly changing world. Fulfill their academic, cultural and social potentials. Inculcate respect for different social, religious and other individuals can and should achieve for themselves and the society.

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